The NSW Industrial Hemp Association is dedicated to the development of hemp in all its forms. This includes foods, medicines, buildings, and textiles. First incorporated in 2008 IHA NSW INC is the first State Based Hemp organisation in Australia with many of the founding members engaging together since early 2000's. Become a member and get involved.
The Future Is In Hemp
Industrial Hemp is able to produce three times more fibre than cotton, using less water and without the need for toxic chemicals. Hemp fibre is stronger than cotton and can be recycled more times than wood pulp.
It can produce two to four times as much pulp per hectare as woodchip, and without producing dioxins.
Industrial Hemp is naturally resistant to insects, and being an efficient ‘smother crop’ is able to clear a field of weeds without the need for pesticides.
On every continent countries are rediscovering Industrial Hemp as an advantageous crop. It provides economic benefits as well as creating sustainable jobs.
FOOD - Hemp seed and oil contain both the Omega 3 and Omega 6 in the ideal ratio of 1:3 along with uniquely high levels of vitamin E. Hemp food is nature’s perfect balance of essential fatty acids.
MEDICINE - Western medicine is concerned with finding one drug to treat one condition. Medicinal cannabis does not fit this model as the active components can address many medical conditions. Most notably it has been used as a treatment for cancer patients and Dravet syndrome.
TEXTILES - Industrial Hemp fabric is highly valued because of its strength and durability, and the environmentally sustainable aspects of its cultivation.
BUILDING - Lightweight cellulose cement with superior acoustic and insulation properties. Fireproof and totally resistant to termites. Industrial Hemp fibre particle board can be made in existing factories and is lighter and stronger than wood based products.
PAPER - Chinese have used Industrial Hemp to make paper for thousands of years and until the 20th
Century the majority of the world's Bibles and encyclopaedias were printed on this paper.
Up until the 1930’s Hemp was ubiquitous and one of the world’s major crops. Due to some political manoeuvring and the involvement of powerful entities Hemp was declared illegal in the US. This became a global movement due to the influence that the US had over other countries.
In the past 70+ years Hemp has re-emerged as a crop that provides food and fibre. Europe and Asia have led the resurgence with the US and Australia amongst the last to embrace it. Most recently the value of Hemp as a medicine has achieved wider understanding.
Australia has come from behind but has supported the farming of Hemp for materials. The indications are that food and medicine will soon be legalised at state and federal levels.
This is the boost that the Hemp industry needs and the future of Hemp looks brighter than ever.
IHANSW intends to reinstate Industrial Hemp to its proper place. One plant, over thousands of years - Industrial Hemp - has proven to be extremely versatile. It is one of humanity’s oldest cultivated plants used worldwide for over 12,000 years as a source of fibre, food and medicine.