Facilitate knowledge exchange and information dissemination.
Increase public awareness of the benefits of Industrial Hemp based products in all sectors.
Support and develop job creation especially in rural areas.
Establish, administer and develop state and national lobby group to interface with government agencies.
Commitment to a national Industrial Hemp body.
Provide an alternative, profitable crop option for growers by facilitating the development of Industrial Hemp enterprise.
Adopt a firm stance against genetic modification o Industrial Hemp crops.
Supports Australian farmers, manufacturers and retailers by developing the industrial hemp industry in NSW
Establishes, administers and develops state and national lobby groups to interface with government agencies
Facilitates knowledge exchange and information dissemination and to provide a focal point for the industry.
Forms a foundation and ongoing commitment for a national Australian hemp association
Represents industry interests in matters of quarantine, legislation and other grower, producer and end user issues, providing a strong industry voice
Adopts a firm stance against genetic modification of hemp crops
Increases awareness of the uses and benefits of Industrial Hemp-based sustainable products in all sectors
Fosters national objective of developing environmentally and economically sustainable Industrial Hemp industry
Supports the development of new employment opportunities in rural communities - especially those with significant indigenous populations
Liaises with other state associations/organisations and political affiliates with aligned goals